Computer support specialists maintain computer networks and provide technical help to computer users.

A computer support specialist provides technical support for a company, organization’s customers, or their employer’s staff. They use computer software and equipment to assist them in providing advice and help to their employer and their employee’s. They carry a variety of titles such as technical support specialist, information technology specialist (IT specialists), computer technician, and several others.

Roles of a Computer Support Specialist:

Computer support specialists maintain networks and provide technical assistance to computer users, especially those with limited or no technical computer knowledge. They troubleshoot problems, answer questions in the simplest ways for users to understand, and optimize hardware, software, and operating systems. But, their jobs might vary depending on whether they also provide computer network support. As a computer support specialist, you might also expect to train users to use new software and hardware.

Also referred to as help desk technicians, IT specialists, tech support specialists, or network specialists, computer support specialists typically provide answers to whatever users ask. They run diagnostic programs and tools to determine the root of the issues. Then, help sort problems and respond through telephone, email, live chat, or physically. You must listen to users’ problems and find the solution. 

Tasks of a Computer Support Specialist:

-Command over daily computer operations to ensure everything proceeds with minimum faults.

-Installs and performs hardware, software, and peripheral equipment repairs based on design and installation specifications. Further, the computer support specialist liaises with specialized third-party technicians or dealers for major repairs. 

-Supervises and coordinates technicians, dealers, or other workers taking part in installations, maintenance, monitoring, repairs, and/or replacements. 

-Sets up computers, installs hardware and software, diagnoses computers, and offers computer-related technical assistance to users. 

-Analyzes systems to determine the best, most effective, and compatible computer hardware and software for various users and departments.

-Provides training on new hardware and software. 

-Keeps and maintains records of daily problems and solutions they give, data communication transactions, and installation activities, if any. 

-Helps companies maintain efficient computer and network operations by preventing downtime and optimizing hardware, software, peripheral equipment, and operating systems. 

-Works with management, staff, and other users to determine the need for replacing or modifying existing systems. 

-Prepare for and evaluate software, hardware, and other peripherals. Then, identify problems and recommend appropriate repairs or upgrades. 

-Carries out office automation feasibility studies to enhance performance and delivery. One might also conduct workflow analysis, space design, and cost comparison analysis besides offering technical support and maintaining networks. 

-Modifies and customizes commercial software and applications to match the organization’s internal or specific needs. 

-The computer support specialist is the company’s systems administrator. They allow or deny access to ensure security while providing assistance.  -Trains other operators and employees on how to install, repair, and maintain hardware and software. You can achieve this by developing training materials and procedures or offering small internal courses for those willing to learn.